Holy crap from Canada!
21-07-2015 (07:26) - Appen met
7.25 uur - fonk volgt deze zomer vakgenoten op hun zomerse avonturen. In aflevering vijf spraken we iemand voor wie reizen naar vele uithoeken meer regelmaat dan uitzondering is: Stephen Pepper, FX Supervisor van The Ambassadors. Gaat de Canadees deze maanden terug naar zijn heimat of juist niet? ‘I can’t remember the last time I read a printed newspaper.’
Are you of the sporting type or more of a lazy/relaxing person?
‘More a relaxing type. I do like to really explore where I am though. So not too much lying by the pool/beach.’
What is your favourite holiday spot and why?
‘I happen to love a very remote fishing reserve in Quebec, Canada, that is part owned by my father-in-law. It's 20,000 hectares of beautiful lakes and forest. You really feel one with nature there and you hardly ever meet another human being!’
Where will you never return? And why?
‘I dont think I’ve ever been anywhere I haven't liked.’
The best holiday meal ever is..
‘Fresh fish right out of the ocean. While camping in Baja Mexico, we’d buy fresh fish right off the fishermen as they dragged their small fishing boats onto the beach.’
What product is always with you in your luggage because you can’t get it abroad?
‘Well actually, since I am not Dutch, the product that I’d always want in my kitchen cupboard is a Canadian cereal called ‘Holy Crap’ - named after a customer that said ‘Holy crap, this tastes good’. I usually have my wife's parents bring it over whenever they visit The Netherlands.’
Are you following the Dutch news daily during your holiday?
‘No. Mostly because I can't read Dutch yet.’
Getting a newspaper in the store or simply on your tablet?
‘I can’t remember the last time I read a printed newspaper.’
Do you keep an eye on your work email or are you able to switch off?
‘I totally switch off. I don't look at it until the first day I return to work. It's not a really relaxing holiday if you can't switch off.’
And then to that heated summer fling, how do you look back on that now?
‘Wish I had had one!’