Appen met Frank Carvalho
05-03-2021 (10:00) - Appen met
Brand New Galaxy opent een nieuw kantoor in Amsterdam voor West-Europese zaken, en omdat Amsterdam volgens hen de marketinghub is van deze regio. Dit grote bureau wat ongelofelijk hard groeit - en drie kantoren wereldwijd geopend heeft in 2020 notabene - wordt geleid door Managing Director Frank Carvalho. Wij appten hem om te vragen hoe dat gaat - een nieuw fysiek kantoor openen tijdens de pandemie.
WhatsApp status: Hey there! I am using WhatsApp.
Hi Frank, do you have some time to text?
Congratulations on the new role! Going from New York to Amsterdam seems a bit like a downgrade to me 

, are you excited about the new job?
I am very excited about Amsterdam because of the city and my role. Running the Western European operations for Brand New Galaxy is a wonderful opportunity to help the organization grow.
I am very excited about Amsterdam because of the city and my role. Running the Western European operations for Brand New Galaxy is a wonderful opportunity to help the organization grow.
Brand New Galaxy for sure has grown! Even in 2020 they opened up three new offices world-wide. What is the idea behind opening up physical offices during a pandemic?
Most meetings are online nowadays anyway, right?
Brandon galaxy has been growing rapidly for sure in the last couple of years. Last year Our workforce increased by almost 35% to more than 500 employees with 80% of the professionals working on global and regional levels. We supply global and local service sister over 200 clients and 29 languages. Our Amsterdam office is a natural consequence of building convenient homes for well-developed clients and those who weren’t early stage of the e-commerce journey. A physical office is important but for new reasons nowadays. It’s a place to come together me and form bonds. It is not the traditional workplace that we’ve come to known in the past but knowing your colleagues and clients and having a place to collaborate is very important.
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Talk to text does not alway get it
Haha I get it!
We publish the complete interview though.png)
But our readers will see that even managing director of large agencies are not perfect
Can you tell me something about projects you have been working on?
We publish the complete interview though
But our readers will see that even managing director of large agencies are not perfect

Can you tell me something about projects you have been working on?
I am happy to tell you about some of the things that we’re working on. For some of our largest clients like P&G, 3M and Coty we handle end-to-end e-commerce helping them drive commerce on various platforms and market places. Also many of our clients are using our FMCC (Fast Moving Consumer Communication method that delivers a quick and scalable content production solution for them.
I read about FMCC! Can you tell me a little more about how it works exactly?
It is an all in one, highly collaborative production method. It saves clients time and reduces the costs of production and adaptions.
I take it you can't give away too much about a unique method developed by brand new galaxy
What a can say is that our client appreciate the results they achieve through this highly efficient method of creative and content production.
That's all that really matters

I agree.
Thank you for the interview! Have a good day and good luck in your new role!
Thank you very much. I appreciate you taking the time to get to know more about Brand New Galaxy.
I'm sure we'll hear more from you in the future!